我深知你是我惟一所愛  Knowing that You are the only One I love
一、主耶穌,你是我至愛,   你奪取了我這顆心;
  天地間無何可與你比擬,  你全然美麗無可比。
  當你聲音給我聽見,    柔聲細語在我心中;
  前所愛所求,都因你消減, 我所誇的今都成空。
Dear Lord Jesus, You're my lover,                   Thou hast won ecah love form my heart
Who compare to Thee, so fair and comely?      Matchless one, none compete with Thee
Gladly will I hear Thy sweet call,                    Since Thy voice my heart hath entered;
Void are all my worthless and vain seekings,   Every pride of  mined disappear.

  世間有誰像你如此美麗?  世間有誰像你如此甜蜜?
  只有你是配,來得著我愛, 主耶穌,我深深愛你!
  不再照己意,不願再受欺, 不願再沉迷於己的天地;
  我深知惟有你是我所愛,  我惟一的最愛是你!
Who compare to Thee, so fair and comely?     Who compare to Thee, so sweet and lovely?
It Your right to possess all of my love,             Jesus most desired, I love You.
No more be deceived by my emotion.              No more put my trust in my condition.
I just know to love You forever more,             Jesus most desired, I love You.

二、主耶穌,你是我至愛,   除掉我的頑梗之心;
  我歡喜能作你愛的囚奴,  一心歸依,一意順服。
  雖然我心常是不服,    依然揀選你的道路;
  我只有愛慕你心所喜愛,  你愛是我心中安寧。
Dear Lord Jesus, You're my lover,                   At Thy feet cast all my hard'nings.
Oh, how much I love, to be Thy bondslave,      Lord it's my joy to Thee obey.
Thy way only will I e'er choose.                      Though I know it's hard to subdue.
Yet all that I long for is Thy pleasure.              And the peace that Thy love would bring.

三、主耶穌,你是我至愛,   我永遠不會再離開;
  不要向我隱藏你的笑臉,  我只愛慕你的同在。
  主,我向你傾心吐意,   你愛滿足我情,我意,
  親愛主,你是我永遠的分, 我只要你可愛自己。
Dear Lord Jesus, You're my lover,                   I would never change my standing.
Let Thy smiling face not depart from me.         All I yearn for is Thy coming.
I tell all to Thee my desire;                              You're my love and satisfaction.
My everlasting portion I pursue.                      Nothing else I desire but You.
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